Karin Brattberg

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possibilities are brewing

I tend to only see the profound changes in life and miss the small, seemingly insignificant shifts. I'm feeling a tiny burst of positive motion in my business right now. For the first time since mopping up the mess, my financials were after leaving my yoga studio behind. I am actually on the plus side of my business accounts this year. And I do not have any huge expenses coming up. I do have opportunities to increase and at that small financial surplus. How exciting! Let's be honest; by plus, I mean not losing money. I'm still not taking a salary from my company; however, I am financing education and other business-related extras through the company.

So what do I want to do with the new freedom this brings? How can I ride this wave and keep up the momentum? I have my first hybrid client, online and in person, when I am in Gothenburg, and it is going great so far. We finally have a strong enough internet to upload yoga classes! So what can I do with that? I am about to set the dates for my first-ever retreat!!! Hello!!! Finally! And my SUPPORTED SESSIONS class is in demand. Will select a new date for that soon. I'd like to have it on the Sunday after my birthday, 26/3. The proper start of spring as it is daylight saving here in Sweden.

I have 8 classes planned out both in my head and on paper (see how serious I am about this, even writing it down!) with classes for the menstrual cycle, yin and hatha style classes that suit each phase and supports the body parts and meridians that needs extra love during that phase. This is my promise to myself that I will get it done. I will record them. I will make it into a buyable product. I will sell it here on my page. Will it be in Swedish or in English, tho? Both? I'll start with Swedish and see where that leads me. I am not sure, though, as I am aiming higher and bigger than reaching 10 million Swedes. I just have to start. So get it done and worry about reach later!